Data tracking

As data collection is a crucial aspect of the BANGK project, it is necessary to propose a basic architecture that responds to a maximum number of scenarios from the outset, while being 100% compliant with current standards (RGPD, etc.). With this in mind, the data collection system in place retrieves a large amount of data by default.

For a single user session, the amount of data can become quite substantial. This is why this data has its own dedicated database (data lake). It is transmitted compressed and delayed so as not to interfere with the execution of the application.

As well as providing crucial insights for improving the user experience, this data is also used for debugging and performance tracking. For example, it can be used to provide live alerts when a user encounters a problem, and if necessary, to reproduce the environment at the time of the crash (same device, same usage scenario, etc.) in order to correct any bugs.

BANGK's general ethical philosophy also applies to the use and processing of data. Data will be kept as secure and anonymous as possible. A major effort will be made to use data within a strict ethical framework. It will never be sold to a third party and will only be shared when strictly necessary for the proper operation of the platform. In general, data will be used mainly for research purposes and to improve the product.

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